is the procedure of distributing multimedia over the Internet.
Multimedia files include a number of media files like text, animation,
video, graphics, interactivity, and audio. After being distributed over
the Internet, they are used for playback on various mobile devices and
computers. This distribution of multimedia files over the Internet is
done with the help of RSS or Atom syndication formats. Â
What is RSS?
Simple Syndication (RSS 2.0) belongs to the family of web feed formats.
They make use of the XML for Web syndication. They are used in various
areas including weblogs, websites catering to news, and podcasting. RSS
provides synopsis of web contents along with links to the complete
description of the contents, and delivers this information in XML
format, which is then known as RSS feed or webfeed. RSS also helps the
users of a site to detect the latest updates of the site with the help
of an aggregator. Â
Areas where Podcasting is utilized
is slowly replacing the other means of audio entertainments. They have
become a craze among the computer savvy crowd. Podcasting is nothing
complicated. It is the online audio content that takes the help of an
RSS feed to be delivered. The best part of podcasting is that, it is the
users who determine the time, place and the type of program that they
want to listen to. Podcasting is used in various areas and can be used
for various reasons:
- Music
– It can be used for Brand Promotion through clips and interviews.
Podcasting also helps you to entertain yourself by listening to musical
shows at your own convenience.
- Talk Shows
– Podcasting is increasingly used for news coverage, sports news and
commentaries, stock and investment news, and other organizational and
industrial news.
- Training – Podcasting is used to provide audio training information with clips and graphics.
- Self-Guided Tours – Podcasting provides you with useful information to keep you well informed in your specific area of interest.
- Story Telling – Podcasting is used to tell stories to children or to the visually impaired.  Â
Podcasting and Audio Files
Podcasting provides a simple way of distributing audio and video files to listeners through the Internet. The word Podcasting is formed by clubbing two words - iPod and Broadcasting.
Podcasting makes use of RSS to syndicate the audio files. It is similar
to News aggregator or a standard RSS feed reader. The difference lies
in the fact that the feed that you subscribe to has an audio file within
it. Thus, instead of reading the content, you can simply listen to it
with the aid of podcasting supportive reader or aggregator.
though podcasting got its name because of the “iPodâ€, you do not
always need an iPod to listen to a podcast. The podcasts are displayed
with clickable links to audio files, on various websites. It is the
presence of these audio files that makes the feed a podcast, instead of a
standard RSS feed. The audio files are enclosed within the
“enclosure†tag inside RSS 2.0. Podcasting helps to provide creative
and media-rich content. The increase in the number of potential
podcasting audience and the benefits of syndication makes podcasting a
lucrative area that is ready to spread its wings amongst all the
Internet users. Â
Various Podcasting Software
number of Podcasting software is present to serve your application
need. The Podcasting software is categorized based on their function
like Podcast creation, Podcast download, Audio recording, Windows
Podcasting clients and much more.
- Podcast Creating Software:
The Podcast creating software helps to create, supervise, edit and
distribute podcasts to various websites. Content distribution and
syndication is done through the help of RSS. The Podcast creating
software helps you to create your own professionally looking RSS feed
within very little time. They help to create and also maintain infinite
number of RSS feeds and podcasts. You can even get your voice posted on
the net through your phone.  Â
- Audio Recording Software: A
number of audio recording software helps the Internet users to record
audio files for Podcasts. They automatically record the favorite radio
shows for the users to listen to it later during their leisure time.
These recordings can be easily transferred to MP3 Player, iPod, CD or
your PC. They help you to add all your favorite shows and stations by
programming it properly. In iPods, they even prepare “Bokmarkableâ€
files to save space.

- Podcast Download: You
can download various managers for podcasts. They are various online
services that help in searching and sharing podcast feed. All you need
to do is search your required store for podcasts, and download to listen
to it with the help of this software. Some of them can automatically
import subscriptions from the OPML format. They integrate perfectly with
Windows Media Player or the Apple iTune Play lists. They manage all the
subscriptions, update the feed locations, views the video podcast,
plays audio podcasts, and often provides proxy support.
- Windows Podcast Software: This
software allows the users to view and listen to all the information
that are present in podcasts. They are placed in specific locations and
areas. They help you to keep you informed with the latest news and
information. You have full control over it and can organize and display
your preferred news items based on the keywords that you have inserted.
They provide you with various search channels, auto synchronization, and
easy to read newspaper layout. They are often supplied with built-in
podcast receivers to download all the audio files into your iPods. They
are pre-configured with loads of feed to make your work simpler.
Why is Podcasting Beneficial?
you listen to a radio, you have no control over the type of music that
is being played. Neither do you have control over the time and place
when you want to listen. Podcasting is extremely useful to the users
since it allows them the flexibility to adjust the type of music, the
time and the locale where they would like to hear it. Once you download
the audio and video version, you are free to listen and view it wherever
you want to. You can select the radio shows based on the topic of
conversation, interviews, discussions, debates, and music. Moreover, you
can download conversations and music playing over the radio and on the
net for later reference and usage. They are extremely beneficial for
education-based tutorials and foreign language based instructions.
Various walking guides, step-by-step tutorial lesions, lectures given in
classes, and much more can be derived using podcasting. You can even
get hold of loudly read out stories and thesis from books to aid the
visually impaired.
Inbuilt Advantages of Podcasting
has the potential to become a major success with its day-to-day
increase in demand due to the presence of some inherent benefits:
- New Hardware not required
– Due to the easy accessibility of podcasting in iPods and mobile
phones, you do not require investing in new hardware. By selecting the
desired subscription, a user can enjoy the benefits of Podcasting by
downloading the programs.Â
- Radio Programs – With the aid of Podcasting, the listeners are provided a wide array of old radio programs that are in high demand.
- Advertisement
– A new medium for advertising, Podcasting attracts the advertisers
to display and announce their products to millions of users.
- On demand Broadcasting – Podcasting provides the users with this unique advantage of on-demand listening of your favorite channels and programs.
- Low Investment
– Podcasting is done by podcasters. It requires very little
investment. Even you can become a podcaster if you have access to the
Internet, computers, and knowledge on software.
- Creativity
– One of the best features of a Podcasting community is that they
give stress to creativity. The more creative the content is, the more is
the number of subscribers.  Â
Where to Submit a Podcast?
are a number of sites and directories where you can submit your
Podcast. You can not only submit your new podcast, but also update the
existing podcast listings. For this, you will have to select a user
accessible and valid URL and submit it to the RSS feed. Along with the
URL, you will have to submit your podcast in a proper category. On being
reviewed, they will appear on the site. You can be asked to register
first to avail the benefits of Podcasting.
Podcasting and Home Business
is casting its spell over home business rapidly. You get a variety of
Podcasts on cooking, home appliances, home maintenance, video games and
more. Podcasting helps to advertise your home business and conveys the
users the types of services that the business provides. Some of the
benefits of Podcasting for Home business include:
- Reach your target customers
– due to the constant increase in the number of podcasting usage, it
serves as a very good medium to reach your target customers. Podcasting
provides the customers with up-to-date information of the type of
service your home business provides.
- Passionate discussion on Products
– You must be passionate about the product or service that your home
business caters to. Podcasting gives you the opportunity to connect with
others who are equally passionate about the service your business
- Information Sharing
– It is not easy to glance through all the pages of a book to search
your desired topic. Thus, podcasting helps you to make your product’s
name and type of service available to all those who are in a quick
search of this kind of material. Broadcast this information in an
interesting way to captivate the attention of the listeners.
- Expertise – Due to constant research, information and frequent podcasting, you become an expert in the field of your business area.
- Economic and Easy
– Podcasting is the easiest way to popularize your service area. You
can even use a phone to record your podcast. Along with its ease to use,
it is also very economical.Â
Validating your Podcast
proper podcasting, you need to be sure that your podcasting feed is
valid. There are RSS Feed Validators that helps you to judge the
validity of your Podcast. The Feed Validator works on RSS 0.90, 0.91,
0.92, 0.93, 0.94, 1.0, 1.1, and 2.0.
Podcasting News and Articles
to keep yourself updated with the latest Podcasting News? This is very
effective as it informs you about the various inventions and versions of
podcasting. Even the articles give you a sound idea on the various
podcasting tools and resources, on instant podcasting, and other queries
that you have in mind regarding Podcasting.