You can encrypt your text prior to sending it
and have your recipient un-encrypt the message in order to read it, but
this is not a feature in the current implementations of ASPMail.
To do this you need an ASP script that can perform the encryption, it
can be done in a script, through a COM object such as ASPEncrypt.
Another possibility is to code the encryption algorithm in a custom DLL
and have it installed on the server. In either case, your end-user needs
to be able to decrypt the text once it arrives, you may need to code or
purchase software for this as well.
PGP is currently not support in the version of ASPMail that is loaded on our webservers.
UPDATE: ASPMail now ships with an evaulation copy of PGP. We do not yet
support this, however it is under evaulation. If you are interested in
PGP, we will be posting any information about PGP-enabled ASPMail on the
support notice board.
You cannot use SSL to encrypt and send email. SSL is implemented on our
servers for HTTP traffic only. ASPMail uses the SMTP protocol instead of
HTTP when it transmits its email messages.
Article ID: 73, Created: March 8, 2011 at 2:04 PM, Modified: March 8, 2011 at 5:09 PM