To ensure the Technicians with Alentus have all the possible information required to troubleshoot errors you may be having, it is best to Submit a Ticket through the Alentus Support Center, and completely fill out the form to the Technical Support Department.
Should you require submitting a request via email, the following information should be submitted:
1. A URL that is showing an error.
2. The error shown at the above URL.
3. The line of code erroring out (if indicated in the error).
4. A URL to test our solution (if different from URL in 1.)
5. The file name the error is occurring in.
6. A test username and password (if applicable) if we need to test authenticating or logging into your application.
A text editor that shows line numbers can be downloaded for free from: and download their free text editor.
Article ID: 560, Created: March 10, 2011 at 2:55 PM, Modified: January 7, 2013 at 6:08 PM