About AspHTTP
AspHTTP allows you to GET/POST/HEAD documents using the HTTP protocol. Key features include:
- GET, HEAD and POST request methods
- Response headers are exposed
- Accept headers are modifiable
- Adjustable timeout
- Proxy support
- Custom User-Agent headers
- Custom Content-Type headers for POST
- Redirection
- Supports authentication areas
- Retrieves URLs to a file including binary files
- Allows custom HTTP request headers
Sample AspHTTP Code
Using the component is as simple as:
- Creating the object
- Setting a single property
- Calling the GetURL method
The following code demonstrates how to use AspHTTP from VBScript.
Set HttpObj = Server.CreateObject("AspHTTP.Conn")
HTTPObj.Url = "http://www.myfinancialpage.com/qrtresults.html"
strResult = HTTPObj.GetURL
The variable strResult now contains a string representing the document results from a GET of http://www.myfinancialpage.com/qrtresults.html.
POSTing Data
AspHTTP allows you to post data back to the Web server. The following example demonstrates a POST request:
Set HttpObj = Server.CreateObject("AspHTTP.Conn")
HTTPObj.Url = "http://www.myfinancialpage.com/scripts/update3.asp"
HTTPObj.PostData = "suid=jimb&pwd=macabre&id=32&val=1.5"
HTTPObj.RequestMethod = "POST"
strResult = HTTPObj.GetURL
The variable named strResult now contains a string representing the document results from a POST to
For full documentation and more examples of using AspHTTP, please visit Serverobjects.com
Article ID: 537, Created: March 10, 2011 at 12:28 PM, Modified: March 10, 2011 at 12:28 PM