The default DSN does not need a username and password if your Access .mdb file does not use them. To use the default DSN, upload your .mdb file using the same file name as the default on the webserver. In other words, replace our default .mdb file with your own. The connect string should then look something like:
strConn = "DSN=DSNme"
where "DSNme" is your default DSN listed in your Welcome Kit.
If you wish to use an Access file name other than the default one we created, please upload your .mdb file to the server and then use the Alentus Support Center to Submit a Ticket to the Technical Support Department and choose ODBC DSN Request from the Change Request Type drop-down menu to set up another DSN for the site.
Article ID: 512, Created: March 9, 2011 at 6:35 PM, Modified: March 9, 2011 at 6:35 PM