To change the SQL server account password, run the stored procedure "sp_password".
The formal syntax for sp_password is shown below:
sp_password [[@old =] 'old_password',]
{[@new =] 'new_password'}
[,[@loginame =] 'login']
To run the procedure, connect to the database server with a client tool such as the query analyzer, or any other tool that allows you to execute stored procedures.
The following example will change your password from "oldpwd" to "newpwd":
EXEC sp_password 'oldpwd', 'newpwd'
Remember if you change the password on your database then Alentus will no longer have that information on file. At that point the only thing we can do is reset the password for you.
Article ID: 478, Created: March 9, 2011 at 6:02 PM, Modified: March 9, 2011 at 6:02 PM