In order to connect to the SQL Server you will need the following:
1. The server name and login information
2. Enterprise Manager, SQL Management Studio, or other management utility installed
3. An ODBC DSN setup on your workstation
The server name and login information are in the Database Server Welcome Kit email we sent you when the database was first set up.
Enterprise Manager is a SQL Server component; SQL Management Studio was released for SQL 2005 but has a free version (express) that works with both SQL 2000 and SQL 2005. Other programs and utilities that can connect to SQL Server Databases include Query Analyzer, MS Access, and other 3rd party packages.
Most management utilities will require you to set up an ODBC DSN on the workstation prior to connecting. We have found that often Enterprise Manager will not work until a DSN has been set up. Additionally, setting up the DSN is a good connectivity test. If your DSN cannot pass the connectivity test in the SQL Server DSN setup wizard, you will likely not be able to connect with anything else. In Windows XP, click "start", "programs", "admin tools", "Data Sources: ODBC" to configure an ODBC DSN to connect with your SQL Server Database from your workstation.
Article ID: 473, Created: March 9, 2011 at 5:57 PM, Modified: March 30, 2011 at 3:45 PM