How do I create a Full Text Indexing Catalog using SQL Management Studio?

Before you can create a full-text index on a table, you have to determine whether the table has a unique, single-column, non-nullable index. The MSFTESQL (Microsoft Full-text Engine for SQL Server) service uses this unique index to map each row in the table to a unique, compressible key.  To create a unique, single-column, non-nullable index, run the following T-SQL statement:

CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ui_<tablename> ON <Tablename>(<ColumnName>)

Now that you have a unique key, you can create a full-text index on the table as follows:

1. Select and expand “Database” node (for the database in question) in SQL Management Studio

2. Select and expand “storage” node.

3. Right-click on “Full Text Catalogs” and choose “new full text catalog”

4. Enter Catalog name using the convention shown in this example: “dbxxxx-ftc”

5. Browse to Catalog location: D:\MSSQL\FTDATA

6. Click “Okay”

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