To request an ODBC DSN be setup, please do the following:
1. Log into the Alentus Support Center at
2. Click on "Submit a Ticket"
3. Choose "Technical Support" Department
4. When filling out the ticket, in the "Change Request Type" drop-down menu, choose "ODBC DSN Request"
5. Include the following information in "Message Details":
Driver Type: MS Access or SQL Server or MySQL
DSN Name: Keep short and follow these rules:
- MS Access DSNs start with DSN.
- SQL Server DSNs start with SQS.
- MySQL DSNs start with MSQ.
Database Name: MS Access DSNs can only be created for databases you upload into your /database directory. The /database directory was created for you when your site was setup. It has the required Windows NTFS Write and IIS Hidden security permissions. See your database welcome kit for your MySQL or SQL Server database names.
6. Click "Submit" and make sure you see the next screen that indicates your request has been successfully submitted.
7. You will receive an email from our Support Department when your DSN is setup.
Article ID: 427, Created: March 9, 2011 at 5:39 PM, Modified: March 9, 2011 at 5:39 PM