The following command line options can be used with the Backup Client application:
· -b
BACKUP - This option will immediately start a backup and close the application when the backup has completed. The backup will execute in a timed backup mode, which means that there will be no dialogs displayed indicating the result of the backup.
· -bi
BACKUP INTERACTIVE - This option will immediately start a backup and close the application when the backup has completed. The backup will execute in an interactive backup mode, which means that there will be dialogs displayed indicating the result of the backup. This backup method should be used if it is possible to answer any dialogs that the Backup Client application might display.
· -bl
BACKUP and LOGOFF - This option will immediately start a backup and attempt to have all other running applications save their data. After all applications have responded to the save request, a backup will be performed. Once the backup has completed, the system logoff will take place. This option is also available by right-clicking on the tray control and selecting "Backup and Logoff".
· -be
BACKUP and EXIT - This option will immediately start a backup and attempt to have all other running applications save their data. After all applications have responded to the save request, a backup will be performed. Once that backup has completed, the system shutdown will take place. This option is also available by right-clicking on the tray control and selecting "Backup and Shutdown".
· -br
BACKUP and RESTART - This option will immediately start a backup and attempt to have all other running applications save their data. After all applications have responded to the save request, a backup will be performed. Once that backup has completed, a system reboot will take place. This option is also available by right-clicking on the tray control and selecting "Backup and Restart".
· -bs or -s
This option can be used to specify backup sets that will be backed up. The full name of the backup set (including spaces) must be specified and this option can be used more than one time on the command line.
Ex: -bs My Backup Set -bs Other Backup Set
· -f
This option can be used to allow a "full backup" to be performed for the backup sets specified on the command line.
· -i or -a
This option can be used to allow an "auto-detect backup" to be performed for the backup sets specified on the command line. This is the default behavior.
· -h
This option can be used to completely hide the application during the backup.
TIP: Other scheduler programs can be used to perform automated backups. The scheduler can be setup to run the Backup Client application with the -b option, and automatic backups will occur according to the defined schedule. The backup sets that should be backed up can be specified with the -bs option.
Article ID: 380, Created: March 8, 2011 at 6:14 PM, Modified: June 17, 2013 at 1:24 PM