The SecureStor backup server will delete files on the backup server based on the following 2 criteria being met:
1. You have told the client to send a list of deleted files to the backup server. This is a list of the files within a backup set only. When you delete a file off your local machine the client will tell the backup server that file was deleted when it performs its next backup.
2. Later, when a backup is run and if a file was deleted previous to the restore window then the backup server will delete the file. This has nothing to do with when the file was created or modified.
If you deleted the file from your machine on November 1st then it won't be deleted until you've passed the restore window. In most cases the restore window is one month. So this file wouldn't be deleted from the backup server until December 1st
Article ID: 332, Created: March 8, 2011 at 5:57 PM, Modified: March 8, 2011 at 5:57 PM