Guidelines for Using Alentus Web Servers for Sending Mail
Please ensure that the device/program that sends mail via Alentus Webservers follows these guidlines:
1. Send email in batches of no more than about 100 per batch; wait at least 3 minutes before sending out its next batch.
2. The program needs to handle bounces so that if a mailbox is
unreachable (it does not exist or is full, or not accepting email for
whatever reason), those emails are automatically removed from your
database. The application MUST NEVER try repeatedly to send to
unreachable mailboxes.
3. Every email must include a clear notice of how the subscriber can
unsubscribe. At the very minimum, the unsubscribe method needs to be
they type where the recipient can visit a web page and enter in their
email address to confirm their decision to unsubscribe. Methods that
include replying with Unsubscribe in a return email are ineffective as
most people know that is a way spammers confirm your email address.
4. If the number of emails you are trying to send is high, you need to
make use of a SQL Server or MySQL Database. An MS Access database cannot
handle the performance needed to perform the collecting of the email
address, batching, and sending, without negatively impacting the servers
Alentus highly recommends using a product like Xigla"s Absolute
NewsLetter.NET product ( as a mailer
Article ID: 302, Created: March 8, 2011 at 5:48 PM, Modified: March 8, 2011 at 5:48 PM