If your web site was moved from an older server
to one that has just been commissioned, it is not unusual that you may
find your site seems to be slightly unstable at times. A newly
commissioned shared web server is normally populated by "new sites". In a
shared hosting environment, it is impossible to completely prevent one
website from affecting another; although this is kept to an absolute
minimum through a variety of techniques. Still, with many new sites
being present on the same server and newly created sites tending to have
the most "issues", there will be an initial period of time on the new
server where issues may occur more frequently. This period usually only
lasts a few weeks as once there are no new sites being added to the
server, it will stabilize and performance will improve.
On the plus side, your website’s performance and stability should be noticeably improved once this initial period is completed.
Still, if this initial period of slight instability is unacceptable,
Alentus is always happy to move your site back to an older, more stable
and established webserver.
Article ID: 249, Created: March 8, 2011 at 5:30 PM, Modified: March 8, 2011 at 5:30 PM