The following are some considerations involved in moving a website from one server to another:
- The request to move to another server must be made through the Alentus Support Center.
- A preferred time for the move should be specified (between 07:00 hrs
and 01:00 hrs Mountain Time) or if any time is okay, that should be
specified as well.
- The type of server to move to (Windows 2000, Windows 2003, Windows 2008, ASP.NET version 1.0, 1.1, 2.0, 3.0, 3.5, or 4.0)
- Note that service to your site will be interrupted for approximately
20 minutes; depending on the number of customizations to your site.
- If moving from any previous versions to newer versions of ASP.NET, we
recommend you consult the Microsoft website for possible
incompatibilities between applications developed in the different
versions of DotNet.
- If your website has had fairly extensive customization, such as
non-standard folder permissions, additional users, default document
changes, etc; additional time will be needed for the move to take place.
The main problems arise when their have been undocumented
"customizations" to your site; since they are not on record, they do not
get implemented on the destination server. This can occur when
permissions are altered by certain types of customer activity
(Frontpage, Folder copying, etc.). Often they can be difficult to spot
by someone unfamiliar with the website's intended functionality so it is
up to the customer to test the site and bring these deficiencies to our
attention ASAP.
- Any COM components used by your site should be mentioned in the move
request so that we can be sure that they are installed on the
destination web server.
- Any non-standard MIME types needed should be specified in the move request.
Article ID: 239, Created: March 8, 2011 at 5:16 PM, Modified: January 7, 2013 at 3:04 PM