ASPMail and ASPQmail are both components used
to send outbound mail messages from your website. They are very nearly
identical from an ASP scripting point of view, code written for ASPMail
can usually run under ASPQmail with only one or two simple changes. The
main difference between the two is how messages are handled at the time
of delivery.
When ASPMail is instructed to send a message, it immediately contacts
the outbound mail relay and attempts to transmit the message. ASPMail
waits until the message transmission to the relay finishes before
returning control to your script.
Messages sent through ASPQmail are immediately accepted into a message
queue, and control is returned immediately to your script without
waiting for message transmission to the relay to complete.
On the webserver, both of these are implemented as COM components, but
ASPQMail also includes a system service. The ASPQmail COM component
simply passes messages to the service which is always available. The
service then spools the mail out to the SMTP relay as a background
process and your scripts can immediately continue processing.
If you have long mailing lists to process, or find that there are
significant delays when sending large messages, you may want to consider
using ASPQMail. All of our plans offer support for ASPQmail.
Article ID: 117, Created: March 8, 2011 at 2:21 PM, Modified: March 8, 2011 at 5:23 PM