Logging in to SmarterMail
You will need to obtain the link to your SmarterMail server's web
site from your Administrator or Domain Administrator. If you are the
site administrator, this was sent you at the time you first set the
services up. That information can be resent at your request.

To login to SmarterMail, type in your full email address
and Password on the login screen. You will be presented with the
welcome page and a view of all folders in your mailbox. The full email
address (not an alias) must be used to log into the corresponding
"Remember Me" checkbox – By checking
this box SmarterMail encrypts your login and password, then you can
close the browser window and not have to re–log in when you return.
This function works as long as you do not "log out" of SmarterMail prior
to closing your browser window. Note: You will need cookies enabled on your browser for this feature to work.
A standard User is able to view all email
folders (inbox, sent, and Custom) for their designated account.
Only users
with admin permissions (usually the owner of a domain) can add/remove
users and change domain settings.