Changing a User Password
Changing any User Password with the Mail Administrator Account
To change an account password, logon to the webmail
system with the administrator account credentials provided to you. Go to
the Settings menu and click Email Accounts. Click the account whose password you wish to change. Enter the new password in the New password field. Confirm the password by typing it again in the Confirm password field. Click Save at the top of the screen.
Changing your own User Password
To change your password, logon to the webmail system with your user ID and password. Go to the Settings menu and click My Settings. Enter the new password in the New password field. Confirm the password by typing it again in the Confirm password field. Click Save at the top of the screen.
Article ID: 1071, Created: December 22, 2011 at 4:30 PM, Modified: April 26, 2012 at 9:14 AM